Atelier Rodrigue
Stained Glass Studio, Sherbrooke, Qc
Stained glass in every home...

Using stained glass for window coverings

Stained Glass Divider

Your home is where you start your projects, where your children grow up and where the parties come alive. This is where you set the comfort and security level that suits you. Over the years, the idea came to you to thank it for its dedicated services. You renovate, put new structural elements and rejuvenate your decor. You want a home that reflects who you are.

A long lasting option to curtains and blinds

Made of lasting and quality materials: glass, copper, tin, silver, zinc and wood. Backed by a great artistic content and fruit of a high number of working hours, stained glass ornament is now part of your essential adornment to enhance the windows in your home. It does not lose its color nor subjected to deformation due to prolonged exposure to sunlight or moisture. Maintenance is as simple as washing a window. It fits with flexibly to the needs of both natural lighting and the needs of privacy through a choice of different glass types in the creation of the stained glass window by the artisan.

And you can forget the fear of your house's appearance looks like a church! Stained glass modern designs and manufacturing techniques used today give a clear, light and luminous result even if the window is located near the eyes as it is often the case in homes.

Resources for inspiration

Among the resources available, the website houzz is certainly one of the best references. It presents photos of stained glass windows in their context of the interior decor. Pinterest is also a rich and colored source of stained glass windows photos. Finally, there are many photos of stained glass windows on Flickr, which several of them relate more to church windows than the home ones.

The basic rule to use stained glass for window treatments is the same as when using accessories in a interior decor. It consists of using a stained glass window with a light pattern with a refined and contemporary decor and a very detailed stained glass pattern with a high density of parts in a rich and sumptuous decor. It is also important to observe the functional roles of windows: daylighting, views and monitoring, ventilation and evacuation in case of emergency. The use of stained glass panels mounted in shutters in front of an existing window is both practical and stylish. You can enjoy all the natural lighting and the outside view while showing your beautiful stained glass window to people outside in the evening.

Stained glass transom

Many possibilities where to use stained glass in the home

Stained glass can be used in almost any situation, no matter if your have a basic windowing or an impressive and large windowing. Plan your next home improvement project based on the addition of stained glass windows at the stage of plans preparation with your architect, your interior designer or your contractor. Finally, consider these more specific applications: